В связи с ограничениями, наложенными на российские банки, оплата при заселении принимается только наличными в рублях и картой, выпущенной в РФ (не валютный счет).
Оплата с помощью Apple Pay и Google Pay также недоступна.
Due to the restrictions imposed on Russian banks, payment upon check-in is accepted only in cash in rubles and a card issued in the Russian Federation (not a foreign currency account).
Payment using Apple Pay and Google Pay is also not available.
Area of 110 m 2
Capacity of 120 persons
Verdi-Bellini transformer hall is perfect for holding a conference, seminar, presentation. The hall can be converted into two separate rooms which allows you to change the format of the event in a short time. Conference facilities of the hall:
— Modern presentation equipment and multimedia systems
— Individual air conditioning systems
— Natural daylight in the halls
— Free Wi-Fi
— Soundproof partitions
— Spacious lobby and relaxation areas for coffee breaks
According to your wishes, you will be offered a wide range of original dishes and snacks designed by the chef.