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Banquet halls for 60 persons

Hotel «Milan» offers to rent a banquet hall for 60 persons for a company party, a wedding, a children's birthday or a graduation party. A good rule of thumb is that most people prefer to celebrate significant events in the circle of the closest people, relatives and friends. Warm communication and a pleasant atmosphere of the event become the main advantages of a small celebration.

Choose a banquet hall for any number of persons:
Rossini Banquet Hall
Area of330 м2
capacity of 60 - 130 persons
Tiberio Banquet Hall
Area of365 м2
capacity of 60 - 190 persons

Rent a banquet hall for 60 persons

Organizing a recognizable banquet for 60 persons in a restaurant is simple, financially profitable and, of course, very convenient. It is enough to order a hall, discuss the menu and service options for the banquet, so that on an important day you can enjoy only a unique festive atmosphere. The restaurant staff will take care of all the efforts associated with the banquet.

The banquet customers and guests will be surrounded by delicate care which will remain in the memory with bright emotions for a long time.


Everyone can afford to rent a banquet hall for 60 persons regardless of the budget declared for the holiday. The event advantages can be evaluated already at the stage of the first consultation with the restaurant administrator:

  • wide variety of menus;
  • various types of banquet service by waiters – full, partial, buffet;
  • ability to select (exclude or add) related services;
  • high level of service;
  • urgent organization of a banquet (7-10 days before an important date).

You can order a banquet hall for 60 persons in Moscow in the Southern Administrative District, near the Domodedovskaya and Orekhovo metro stations, at any convenient time by turning to the contacts indicated on the website. Use the advantages of modern restaurant service to make every holiday unforgettable and bright!

Order a banquet hall
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Our managers will contact you as soon as possible.

You can ask all your questions and make a reservation by phone +7 (495) 648 9292

Премия 2023