В связи с ограничениями, наложенными на российские банки, оплата при заселении принимается только наличными в рублях и картой, выпущенной в РФ (не валютный счет).
Оплата с помощью Apple Pay и Google Pay также недоступна.
Due to the restrictions imposed on Russian banks, payment upon check-in is accepted only in cash in rubles and a card issued in the Russian Federation (not a foreign currency account).
Payment using Apple Pay and Google Pay is also not available.
Hotel «Milan» offers a profitable opportunity to rent a banquet hall for any events. The rental is provided on the agreed date and time, each site is fully equipped considering all the requirements and wishes. Our hotel offers a full range of services for your comfort and coziness. Banquet halls are an excellent alternative to a restaurant, since there is a separate hall for guests of your event.
Our banquet halls are chosen for the following reasons:
Renting a banquet hall in Moscow is not only a profitable, but also a very convenient solution, since our clients will not need to think about any organizational issues and prepare anything on their own. Therefore, we take everything upon ourselves and offer you to choose any of the 8 halls prepared for the celebration.
Looking for a banquet hall restaurant? We offer perfectly furnished premises with a convenient address in the southern part of Moscow which will attract the attention of many persons. This is exactly the place where you will want to fully relax, forgetting about all the problems, having a holiday to its full extent.
Major advantages:
We offer to order the premises in the Southern Administrative District, near the Domodedovo and Orekhovo metro stations, which will fully meet your requirements.
Order a banquet hall