В связи с ограничениями, наложенными на российские банки, оплата при заселении принимается только наличными в рублях и картой, выпущенной в РФ (не валютный счет).
Оплата с помощью Apple Pay и Google Pay также недоступна.
Due to the restrictions imposed on Russian banks, payment upon check-in is accepted only in cash in rubles and a card issued in the Russian Federation (not a foreign currency account).
Payment using Apple Pay and Google Pay is also not available.
28A Shipilovskaya str.,
Moscow, 115563
Hotel «Milan» is convenient for organizing business trips and recreation.
It is located between Domodedovo airport and the capital city center. A 7-minute walk from the Domodedovskaya metro station from which you can get to any point of the city without "traffic jams". Nearby there are the famous museums-reserves Tsaritsyno and Kolomenskoye.
Near Hotel «Milan» there are shopping and entertainment centers with a large selection of shops of the best world brands.
A free shuttle bus runs daily to Domodedovo Airport from the hotel according to the schedule.
Latitude — 55.618750
Longitude — 37.715147